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Study visit Krakow March 2023 – INTEGER
Published by Toñi Caro
News INTEGER Inter-regional, Krakow, Other
The 2nd Study Visit of INTEGER - Interconnecting 4 Helix Innovation Ecosystems in European Regions in #Krakow brought up many of the burning issues that #Social #Innovators and #entrepreneurs face when accessing #funding #mechanisms:
- Lack of common language
- Readiness for alternative ways to understand the added value of social innovation
- Need to monitor impact and
- Capacity building on showing the return on investment

#UJ #JagellonianUniversity #KPT #KrakowTechnologyPark

Funded by the European Union | This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101096563. This video reflects the authors' views and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.