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Presentation day of the Health Innovation Network of the Girona counties
Published by Rafel Nualart
Next Thursday, June 1 , 2023, at 10:00 a.m., the Health Innovation Network of the Girona counties will be presented at the Josep Irla Auditorium in Girona.

This day will mark the start of the Health Innovation Network of the Girona regions, a collaboration platform created by all the health and social entities of the Girona regions interested in the consolidation and expansion of medical and social R+D+I and the technologies applied in these areas. In this way, the entities of the territory are provided with a common space of R+D+i interests in order to carry out, jointly, activities to support R+D+ii projects and their transfer .

The network currently includes the Hospital d'Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa Foundation, the Palamós Hospital Foundation - Integrated Health Services Baix Empordà, the Campdevànol Hospital Foundation, the Maresme i la Selva Health Corporation, the Biomedical Research Foundation of Gerona Dr. Josep Trueta, the Institut d'Assistència Sanitària, the regional management of Girona of the Catalan Institute of Health, the Fundació Salut Empordà, Clínica de Girona SA, Clínica Bofill SL, Albera Salut SLP and the University of Girona.

Hble, Mr. Manel Balcells and Díaz and Il·lma. Mrs. Eva Palau, Councilor for Health of Girona City Council, will open the event and Mr. Miquel Carreras, manager of the Health Region of Girona, and Mr. Josep Maria Padrosa, director-manager of the Fundació Hospital d'Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa, will make the closing remarks.

To attend the day, you must register through this link . To register, you must register on the InnovaGirona registration platform and then register for the day by selecting "Register".