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EnOLL and ESSI together!
Published by Toñi Caro
News Catalonia, INTEGER EU Col-lab, INTEGER Inter-regional, Krakow, Hamburg, Success stories
For the first time #EnOLL and #ESSI, the European Network of Living Labs (EnOLL) and the European School of Social Innovation (ESSI) will bring their communities together!!!

The core organising team of the event is composed by representatives of the two networks (EnOLL and ESSI) and a number of highly committed organisations:
#i2CATFoundation #ComputerVision

Besides, a rich number of actors from the vibrant Catalan innovation ecosystem were invited to the I2Cat premises last week to help define a forward looking agenda encompassing our era of transitions: #Social, #Green, #Digital #Just, #Human_centric...

Stay tuned and join us in September 20-23 in Barcelona!
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