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COFIDES President Reflects on New Fund to Foster Impactful Investment
Published by Toñi Caro
News Catalonia, INTEGER EU Col-lab, INTEGER Inter-regional, Articles
In a recent article, the President of COFIDES, José Luis Curbelo, shed light on an upcoming fund aimed at addressing critical issues in the realm of investment and impact. This initiative, which will draw upon public resources, is set to play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between public and private sectors, fostering investments in areas that have long been overlooked but hold immense significance for society and environmental sustainability.

The primary objectives of this fund are threefold:

  1. Overcoming Market Failures: One of the fund's key missions is to address the market failures that have historically hindered the flow of private resources and entrepreneurial initiatives into sectors and activities essential for the welfare of broader society. By tackling these market shortcomings, the fund aims to unlock potential and drive positive impact.
  2. Mobilising Private Resources: The fund seeks to mobilise private capital, effectively closing the existing financing gaps. This infusion of private funds will prove instrumental in propelling projects forward and making a meaningful difference in these often-neglected sectors.
  3. Strengthening the Spanish Impact Investment Ecosystem: Beyond its immediate objectives, the fund will also contribute to the overall development and enhancement of the Spanish impact investment ecosystem, further solidifying the nation's position in the realm of impact-focused investments.

    Following the approval of the Addendum to the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan (PRTR) by the EU Council of Finance Ministers this Tuesday, the fund is slated to become operational in early 2024, following the completion of its regulatory framework development. This marks a significant step towards fostering impactful investments and addressing pressing issues that have, for too long, remained on the fringes of the investment landscape.